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Lucia Torcasio

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A Special gift in honour of Ava Torcasio


Born Still and Silent.

Three Years ago on, September 23rd, 2013 we went into hospital expecting to give birth to our first born daughter after a healthy and perfectly normal 40 week pregnancy. We had heard our baby’s heartbeat the very day before, and we felt her move that evening before we went to sleep.

Arriving at the hospital, we soon learnt that her beautiful soul had somehow slipped away during the night… at 3.33 PM, after 3 contractions, Ava Torcasio entered this world. Her silence was the most haunting memory from that day, and it will stay with me forever.

The cuddle cot provided by the hospital was our saving grace during this time. We were able to spend 24 hours with our baby, and it allowed our families the opportunity to meet our precious angel. We had time to arrange for a family portrait to be taken, and for a plaster mould and prints of Ava’s hands and feet to be made. We have since got her fingerprint on a piece of jewellery which we both wear everyday close to our hearts, where she lives forever.  For us the thing that made it so sad is that we didn't get any time with Ava, or any memories, we didn't get to know who she’d grow up to be or what she would achieve. 

You don't get over it, you just sort of learn to live again. She’s part of us and always will be, even though she's not here she is still our first born daughter.

If it weren’t for the cuddle cot, we would not have been able to spend those precious hours with our angel, and would not have had the opportunity to keep a little piece of her forever…

Unfortunately, each day, 6 babies across Australia are stillborn like Ava. A total of over 2000 babies each year. Sadly, most deceased babies have to be taken to the mortuary within several hours of birth, cutting short the precious time that a bereaved family have together to create memories like ours. 

We are hoping to raise $6000 to purchase a Cuddle Cot which will be donated to a Melbourne hospital. This will give bereaved families the opportunity to make precious memories with their babies. . A Cuddle Cot is a cooling system that has been designed to fit within a small cot. This effective system allows for babies who have passed away to remain with their families so that they are not required to be cooled in a mortuary environment. Cuddle Cots enable family members to travel to visit and meet the baby, siblings to meet one another and even gives parents the option of taking their baby home to lay in their own cot, in their own room or travel in their own car seat. It’s about giving parents choices and reassuring them that they can spend as much time as they like with their baby, without the fear of the baby needing to be cooled in a traditional mortuary.  A Cuddle Cot can help to reduce the incident of depression or associated mental health issues following the traumatic loss of a child during pregnancy or after birth by allowing families the choice to extend time with their child.  

In loving memory of precious baby Ava, please help us to make a difference for other families.  All donations great or small are gratefully received and appreciated.


Thank you for your support.

An angel in the Book of Life wrote down Ava's birth. Then whispered, as he closed the book, "Too beautiful for this Earth". 



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Bears of Hope Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Incorporated

Bears Of Hope Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support is an Australian not-for-profit organisation, providing leading support and exceptional care for families who experience the loss of their baby.

We provide exclusive and invaluable support programs that include a credible foundation of parent led and psychologist facilitated support groups, private online peer to peer support communities, phone, face to face, online and email counselling and annual community events that remember individual baby’s and recognize their parents love. Bears Of Hope comfort, acknowledge, inform, empower, and guide families during their time of loss and beyond.

As a registered non-profit organisation we are dedicated to the care of others and reinvesting our finances and resources to ensure the mental health needs and wellbeing of parents are being met and embraced for as long as as required.

Fundraising Enquiries: 
0400 475 012

General Enquiries:
1300 11 BEAR or


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